Wednesday, September 2, 2009

i have been slightly restless as of late.

School is slowly becoming harder and harder, which is what i thought it would do I just don't know if I am prepared to handle it. I am going to be here at least until May but I feel like I already checked out of Tucsaloosa mentally. Tuscaloosa isn't a bad city, I just know I am meant for something else. My professor talked the other day about walking in your destiny... and I feel like I know what I am meant to do, but everywhere I turn people are discouraging me of that. Which in all reality doesn't truly matter because all I need to worry about is if it is what God has called me for.
He will take care of me.

I just wish that people would be more encouraging about the rough and challenging road I feel like the Lord has called me to. Sure it will be rewarding beyond my imagination and He will provide for me, but I have no idea how I am going to get there.
This all is sounding pretty depressing, but it's not meant to be. I have been discouraged lately but I have also been soaking in the Lord and finding my peace within Him.

He is so faithful.

Well this was really only for me to write out, sorry if you feel like you just wasted your time.. I can't find my journal right now so I figured this was the next best thing :)