Sunday, June 7, 2009

Proverbs 31:25

" She is clothed with strength and dignity,
      and she laughs without fear of the future."

He is with me. 
My hope is in Him.

I have never been less fearful of the future, and I know it is because He has given me a peace. Though my faith falters I am constantly reminded that He will take care of me like He always has. Recent events that occurred in my life knocked me so far down and I know that it was the enemy trying to seduce me into believing that my Father abandoned me. I am ashamed to say that I almost gave in and believed that for a while, but my Lord is graceful and merciful and He showed me that His love and plans for me surpass my capacity to understand, and that He has been here all along. The love I have witnessed between my parents and my brothers in these trying times have shown me such a beautiful light and it has re-awakened a fading hope i had in humanity. 
There will always be wicked men in our world, but we have to remember to seek the Lord's love and remember that in the end He will prevail and that He reigns powerful on His thrown. 
He is LOVE, GRACE, MERCY, BEAUTY, POWER, and I can call Him my Father. My heart is overwhelmed with joy right now... words truly can't express how delighted I am, I just want to dance and praise Him! 

- ashley
- 26 days till the Ranch :)


  1. get ready to be dancing and praising your face off when you get here cuz it's gonna happen ;)

    we're living from victory to victory! w00t! w00t!
